21 May 2012

5 Foods for Better Sex

Menz Health
The key to sexiness may lie in yogurt—at least for mice. The testicles of mice fed a yogurt diet were 5 percent bigger than those on a regular diet—and 15 percent bigger than mice fed a “junk food diet,” according to a new study out of MIT. While scientists aren’t sure what causes this mice “swagger,” they believe probiotics in yogurt are involved.

In the human world, studies have connected yogurt to weight loss, but sexiness? Not yet. Some foods, however, have been linked to a boost in testosterone or libido. (What can more testosterone do for you? Click here to find out!) Here are a few things to add in to your diet to help you out down there—and in the bedroom.


Snack on two handfuls of almonds or walnuts a day. They’re packed with amino acids like arginine, which improves blood flow throughout your body—including down there, where better bloodflow means a stronger erection. Plus, studies have found that guys with diets high in monounsaturated fats—the kind in avocados, olive oils, and nuts—have higher testosterone levels than those who skimp on the healthy fats.


Casanova supposedly ate 50 every morning for breakfast. He was onto something. The shellfish are ultra high in zinc—key in sperm production and blood circulation. But you don’t need to chow down 50 to get your fill of the mineral—six will provide double the recommended daily amount, 15 mg. Some other good sources of zinc are eggs, crab, fish, and dark chocolate. Here are 6 Oysters to Try Right Now.


Why it works: Oats are packed with L-arginine, an amino acid that works with nitric oxide to reduce the stiffness of blood vessels. L-arginine has been used to treat erectile dysfunction because it helps relax muscles around the penis’ blood vessels. When they expand, bloodflow increases so you can keep an erection.

Balance Your Booze

That third or fourth beer isn’t doing anything for your gut or your T levels. Men who boozed even moderately every day for three weeks saw a 7 percent decrease in testosterone levels, according to a recent Dutch study. Your move: Stick to a glass or two max a night to avoid a drop.

Choose Organic

That apple might not look dangerous, but after reading this you may want to reconsider any previous organic scoffs: A 2011 study published in Environmental Health Persepctives found that of 37 pesticides used on foods, 30 have negative effects on your reproductive system. The chemicals can block testosterone and could be to blame for low sperm count. Here are 9 Ways to Keep You Balls in Play.

by Cassie Shortsleeve


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